
전신진동운동이 노인성 치매 환자의 신체 기능과 뇌 활성도에 미치는 영향

Effects of whole body vibration exercise of functional activity and brain activity of in patients with senile dementia

고려대학교 2012년
국회도서관 한국교육학술정보원
예술체육 > 체육

Effects of Whole Body Vibration Exercise on functional activity and brain activity of in patients with senile dementia
Park, Yun-Jin
Department of Sport and Leisure Studies
Graduate School
Korea University
The purpose of this research is to present the clinical effects of whole body vibration exercise on senile dementia patients by analyzing what kind of effects it has on the functional activity and brain activation of thirty mild-moderate senile dementia patients compared to both walking exercise and non-exercise by applying ten weeks of whole body vibration exercise.
For functional activity variables, we executed chair stand, chair sit-and-reach, back scratch, 8-foot up and go tests quoted in Senior Fitness Test Manual, Rikli & Jones(2005). And QEEG-8(LATTHA INC., Korea), EEG measuring equipment, was used to measure brain activation. By following the International 10/20 electrode system guideline, we placed monopolar derivations on the total of eight spots on the surface of head, both left and right sides of pre frontal lobe, frontal lobe, temporal lobe and parietal lobe.
Each frequency band was set as follows:
Alpha: 8-13Hz
Beta: 13-30Hz
Gamma: 30-50Hz
Through relative power analysis, we analyzed the relative power of relative alpha (8-12Hz/4-50Hz) and beta (12-20Hz/4-50Hz) band. For exercise programs, we executed whole body vibration exercise five times a week/10min and walking exercise three times a week/20min while gradually increasing the intensity of exercise.
The results are listed as follows:
1. The change in functional activity due to exercise type
1) The change in chair stand due to exercise type showed significant difference (p<.001) compared to other groups, and the group which performed the whole body vibration exercise demonstrated the most significant increase.
2) The change in chair-sit-and-reach due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.001) compared to other groups, and the group which performed the whole body vibration exercise demonstrated the most significant increase.
3) The change in back scratch due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.001) compared to other groups, and the group which performed the whole body vibration exercise demonstrated the most significant increase.
4) The change in 8-foot up and go test due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.001) compared to other groups, and the group which performed the whole body vibration exercise demonstrated the most significant increase. Furthermore, the group that performed walking exercise displayed more significant increase than the group that didn't perform any exercise.
2. The change in alpha wave due to exercise type
1) The change in the left pre frontal lobe of alpha wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.001) compared to other groups, and the group which performed the whole body exercise demonstrated the most significant increase.
2) The change in the right pre frontal lobe of alpha wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.001) compared to other groups, and the group which performed the whole body exercise demonstrated the most significant increase.
3) The change in the left frontal lobe of alpha wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p.<001) compared to other groups, and the group which performed the whole body vibration exercise demonstrated the most significant increase. Furthermore, the group that performed walking exercise displayed more significant increase than the group that didn't perform any exercise.
4) The change in the right frontal lobe of alpha wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.01) compared to other groups.
5) The change in the left temporal lobe of alpha wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.001) compared to other groups. However, there was no difference observed between the group that performed the whole body vibration exercise and the group that performed walking exercise.
6) The change in the right temporal lobe of alpha wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.001) compared to other groups. However, there was no difference observed between the group that performed the whole body vibration exercise and the group that performed walking exercise.
7) The change in the left parietal lobe of alpha wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.001) compared to other groups. However, there was no difference observed between the group that performed the whole body vibration exercise and the group that performed walking exercise.
8) The change in the right parietal lobe of alpha wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.01) compared to other groups. Furthermore, the group that performed the whole body vibration exercise displayed more significant increase than the group that didn't perform any exercise.
3. The change in beta wave due to exercise type
1) The change in the left pre frontal lobe of beta wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.001) compared to other groups, and there was no difference observed between the group that performed the whole body vibration exercise and the group that performed walking exercise.
2) The change in the right pre frontal lobe of beta wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.01) compared to other groups, and there was no difference observed between the group that performed the whole body vibration exercise and the group that performed walking exercise.
3) The change in the left frontal lobe of beta wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.05) compared to other groups, and the group that performed the whole body vibration exercise demonstrated more significant increase than the group that didn't perform any exercise.
4) The change in the right frontal lobe of beta wave due to exercise type didn't show significant difference compared to other groups.
5) The change in the left temporal lobe of beta wave due to exercise type didn't show significant difference compared to other groups.
6) The change in the right temporal lobe of beta wave due to exercise type didn't show significant difference compared to other groups.
7) The change in the left parietal lobe of beta wave due to exercise type didn't show significant difference compared to other groups.
8) The change in the right parietal lobe of beta wave due to exercise type showed significant difference(p<.05) compared to other groups.
Concluding from the experimental results listed above, the whole body vibration exercise is proven to be the most effective exercise type for treating senile dementia patients. Furthermore, this exercise type is found to be effective in both alpha and beta wave conditions, whereas walking exercise is only found to be effective in beta wave condition.
Whole body vibration exercise can be executed safely and easily without requiring much time and effort compared to walking exercise. For this reason, it is safe to conclude that the whole body vibration exercise is the most suitable exercise type for senile dementia patients who are unable to perform systematic exercise. Lastly, I believe that continuous research on the whole body vibration exercise program with diverse intensity and duration is needed to further expand our understanding of this field.

  • 표제지
  • 목차
  • I. 서론 25
  • 1. 연구의 필요성 25
  • 2. 연구의 목적 29
  • 3. 연구의 가설 30
  • 4. 연구의 제한점 31
  • 5. 용어의 정의 31
  • 1) 전신진동운동 31
  • 2) 걷기운동 32
  • 3) 노인성 치매 환자 32
  • 4) 뇌파 (Electroencephalogram : EEG) 33
  • II. 이론적 배경 34
  • 1. 노화에 따른 생리학적 변화 34
  • 2. 운동이 노인의 신체기능에 미치는 영향 38
  • 3. 뇌파 40
  • 1) 뇌파의 개요 40
  • 2) 뇌파의 구성요소 41
  • 3) 뇌의 기능별 부위의 전극 기호 43
  • 4) 노화에 따른 뇌파의 변화 44
  • 4. 노인성 치매 46
  • 1) 치매의 정의 46
  • 2) 치매의 종류 46
  • 3) 치매의 위험요인 50
  • 4) 노인성 치매와 운동 52
  • 5. 전신진동운동 56
  • 1) 종류와 특징 56
  • 2) 원리 및 신경생리학적 기전 58
  • 3) 전신진동운동이 노인에게 미치는 영향 59
  • 6. 걷기 운동 61
  • 1) 걷기운동이 노인에게 미치는 영향 61
  • III. 연구 방법 64
  • 1. 연구 대상 64
  • 2. 실험 설계 65
  • 3. 실험 절차 66
  • 4. 측정도구 68
  • 5. 실험방법 68
  • 1) 체격 68
  • 2) 신체구성 69
  • 3) 노인체력 검사(Senior fitness test) 69
  • 4) 뇌파 검사 (Electroencephalogram test) 70
  • 6. 운동프로그램 73
  • 1) 전신진동운동 73
  • 2) 걷기운동 75
  • 7. 자료 처리 76
  • IV. 연구결과 77
  • 1. 사전 종속변수에 대한 동질성 검정 77
  • 2. 운동유형에 따른 신체기능의 변화 78
  • 1) 의자에 앉았다 일어나기의 변화 78
  • 2) 의자에 앉아 앞으로 굽히기의 유연성의 변화 79
  • 3) 등 뒤에서 손잡기의 변화 82
  • 4) 2.44m 왕복걷기 시간 변화 83
  • 3. 운동유형에 따른 뇌 활성도 변화 86
  • 1) 집단 간 알파파의 뇌 활성도 비교 86
  • 2) 집단 간 베타파의 뇌 활성도 비교 102
  • V. 논의 118
  • 1. 운동유형에 따른 신체기능의 변화 118
  • 2. 운동유형에 따른 뇌 활성도의 변화 123
  • VI. 결론 128
  • 1. 운동유형에 따른 신체기능의 변화 128
  • 2. 운동유형에 따른 알파파의 변화 129
  • 3. 운동유형에 따른 베타파의 변화 131
  • 참고문헌 134
  • List of Tables
  • Table 1. Physical characteristics of subjects and test of homogeneity of variances. 65
  • Table 2. The experimental equipments for the study. 68
  • Table 3. Attached areas according to International 10/20 electrode system. 72
  • Table 4. Whole body vibration exercise program. 74
  • Table 5. Walking exercise program. 76
  • Table 6. Levene's test for equality of variances. 77
  • Table 7. The change of chair stand after 10-weeks at descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 78
  • Table 8. The difference of chair stand among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 79
  • Table 9. The change of chair sit-and-reach after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 79
  • Table 10. The difference of chair sit-and-reach among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 80
  • Table 11. The change of back scratch after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 82
  • Table 12. The difference of Back scratch among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 82
  • Table 13. The change of 8 foot up and go after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 83
  • Table 14. The difference of 8 foot up and go among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 84
  • Table 15. The change of Lt Pre-frontal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and Paired samples t-test. 86
  • Table 16. The difference of Lt prefrontal lobe of alpha wave among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 87
  • Table 17. The change of Rt prefrontal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 87
  • Table 18. The difference of Rt prefrontal lobe of alpha wave among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 88
  • Table 19. The change of Lt frontal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 90
  • Table 20. The difference of Lt frontal lobe of alpha wave among groups tested by One-way ANOVA. 90
  • Table 21. The change of Rt frontal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 91
  • Table 22. The difference of Rt frontal lobe of alpha wave among groups tested by One-way ANOVA. 92
  • Table 23. The change of Lt temporal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 94
  • Table 24. The difference of Lt temporal lobe of alpha wave among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 94
  • Table 25. The change of Rt temporal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 95
  • Table 26. The difference of Rt temporal lobe of alpha wave among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 96
  • Table 27. The change of Lt parietal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 98
  • Table 28. The difference of Lt parietal lobe of alpha wave among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 98
  • Table 29. The change of Lt parietal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 99
  • Table 30. The difference of Lt parietal lobe of alpha wave among groups tested by One-way ANOVA. 100
  • Table 31. The change of Lt prefrontal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 102
  • Table 32. The difference of Lt prefrontal lobe of beta wave among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 103
  • Table 33. The change of Rt prefrontal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 103
  • Table 34. The difference of Rt prefrontal lobe of beta wave among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 104
  • Table 35. The change of Lt frontal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 106
  • Table 36. The difference of Lt frontal lobe of beta wave among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 106
  • Table 37. The change of Rt frontal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 107
  • Table 38. The difference of Rt prefrontal lobe of beta wave among groups tested by One-way ANOVA. 108
  • Table 39. The change of Lt temporal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 110
  • Table 40. The difference of Lt temporal lobe of beta wave among groups tested by One-Way ANOVA. 110
  • Table 41. The change of Rt temporal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 111
  • Table 42. The difference of Rt temporal lobe of beta wave among groups tested by One-way ANOVA. 112
  • Table 43. The change of Lt parietal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks of descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. 114
  • Table 44. The difference of Lt parietal lobe of beta wave among groups tested by One-way ANOVA. 114
  • Table 45. The change of Rt parietal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks of Descriptive statistics and Paired samples t-test. 115
  • Table 46. The difference of Rt parietal lobe of beta wave among groups tested by One-way ANOVA. 116
  • List of Figures
  • Figure 1. International 10/20 electrode system. 44
  • Figure 2. Two method of whole body vibration stimulation 57
  • Figure 3. Oscillating vibration motion. 58
  • Figure 4. Schematic diagram illustrating stiffness regulation during vibration stimulation 59
  • Figure 5. Experimental design. 66
  • Figure 6. Schematic diagram of study process. 67
  • Figure 7. Attached areas according to International 10/20 electrode system. 72
  • Figure 8. The change of chair stand after 10-weeks. 81
  • Figure 9. The change of chair sit-and-reach after 10-weeks. 81
  • Figure 10. The change of Back scratch after 10-weeks. 85
  • Figure 11. The change of 8 foot up and go after 10-weeks. 85
  • Figure 12. The change of Lt pre-frontal of alpha wave after 10-weeks. 89
  • Figure 13. The change of Rt pre-frontal of alpha wave after 10-weeks. 89
  • Figure 14. The change of Lt frontal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks. 93
  • Figure 15. The change of Rt frontal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks. 93
  • Figure 16. The change of Lt temporal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks. 97
  • Figure 17. The change of Rt temporal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks. 97
  • Figure 18. The change of Lt parietal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks. 101
  • Figure 19. The change of Rt parietal lobe of alpha wave after 10-weeks. 101
  • Figure 20. The change of Lt pre-frontal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks. 105
  • Figure 21. The change of Rt pre-frontal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks. 105
  • Figure 22. The change of Lt frontal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks. 109
  • Figure 23. The change of Rt frontal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks. 109
  • Figure 24. The change of Lt temporal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks. 113
  • Figure 25. The change of Rt temporal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks. 113
  • Figure 26. The change of Lt parietal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks. 117
  • Figure 27. The change of Rt parietal lobe of beta wave after 10-weeks. 117
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